After a hard winter of snow and frost I had forgotten that the world held delights such as Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Donna at Mamma Mia Days reminded me with her shots of her spring garden, especially the Brunnera variegata, which I now covet. So here are some of the blooms from my chilly Scottish garden. Above, a Magnolia stellata, already going past. In taking this shot I had to get right in among the blooms - I'm sure the neighbours thought I was mad - and the delicate scent was all around me.
Below, a bee enjoying my abundant Helleborus.

The red accents of Pieris something or other, below. In the foreground, some bargain tulips from B&Q, which have outlasted all the more precious (and expensive) bulbs I bought some years ago from specialist suppliers.

A mixture of Arabis and pear blossom:

Abu Hassan tulips, and some Wallflower which I think are called something like Orange Delight. I've just made that up, but it sounds feasible.

Another Pieris, given to me by our then Swedish au pair about 6 years ago.

Finally, basic and cheerful daffodils, with my Brunnera which is not doing too well this year. I have given it my usual regime of benign neglect, but perhaps it needs a treat.

Blooms from around the world are at Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day at May Dreams Gardens.
Beautiful and cheery post. Just the ticket on this cold and blustery day in eastern New Mexico. Thank you for clambering about in the blossoms to get these photos.
Beautiful photos :) There is a lot blooming in your garden. I love the magnolia, so pretty, and also the helleborus with the bumble bee.
Your flowers are all so wonderful. After such a long winter, it is exciting to see all that color.
I love those Abu Hassan tulips and also your B&Q ones. The two tone look lovely, I must get some for my garden.
You have lots of colour and variety in the garden, I find B&Q plants are slow to start growing but then catch up and usually surpass everything else.You cannot beat cheap and cheerful!
Wonderful impressions from your garden after a long winter. Greetings from Luzia.
Those flowers are amazing. You have a beautiful garden.
Very beautiful flowers! I love the bee also. Cheers!
Beautiful, colorful blooms! It looks like spring is there for real now in Scotland.
I love the one with the bee. So pretty.
So nice of you to mention my blog in this post....I'm flattered. Thank you.
The white Pieris is one of the prettiest plants I've ever seen. Really gorgeous.
Your bargain tulips from B&Q couldn't be prettier.
So, now I see that Scotland has both beautiful people AND pretty blooms.
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No it is not that cold as you saw in the photo at my blog, it is a few weeks old but I neede it for the photo challenge 365.
We do have spring even if it is very late this year - and you are a few days (weeks ahead) love all the colors!!! MB
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