We're almost weed free, thanks to the bitter winter, most of the plot is dug over, and we're further ahead in terms of clear ground than we've been since we took on the plot. But we've decided to go back to basics this year, and spend our time on getting the shape of the plot in hand. Sorting out the borders, defining the central path (look how ragged it is), evening up the size of the two beds on either side, getting rid of The Heap and the corrugated iron.
So this whole big bed is planted with potatoes, onions, shallots and garlic. Red Duke of York and Charlotte potatoes, Shakespeare overwintering onions, garlic (Solent Wight??? I've forgotten already), and several varieties of onion which I must remind myself of. And that's it. Nothing fancy, no celeriac, no green peas which need staking. Just a basic Scottish diet and a lot of hard work on edges and earth moving.
Just to situate you - the bed in front of the dark orange shed is ours. The other half of the plot is off to the left, and the bed to the right, in front of the black shed, is our neighbour's. The hand that is just reaching out to close the blue-spotted shed door is my husband's.
I will post about the other half of the plot when I emerge from another busy spell at work, daughter about to sit important exams, son looking for flat for next university year, hamster in the last couple of weeks of her short life (sob).
Your garden plot looks like it's in great shape.
Best wishes for you at work, your daughter taking exams, your son in finding a flat, and for comfort for you and your hamster in her final weeks of life. Sorry to hear of her failing health.
When I was a kid on the farm I would help plant Kennebec potatoes. We had four boys to feed all winter so we planted many a long set of rows. In the fall my brother and I were responsible for digging and picking up the potatoes and get them ready to go in the basement for winter. It was a lot of work but I loved mashed potatoes with gravy.
Hello Pat, thanks for the good wishes. Especially for our wee hamster. She's such a sweet beastie.
Larry, when you visit Scotland or when we visit Iowa (as we do intend to do one day), you and my husband will have to get together over a mashed potato with gravy meal. It's his favourite food!
Your plot looks great. I suppose if you're ahead this year, then you will have more time to get the plot just how you want it. Good luck to your daughter, is it GCSEs? Hope your son manages to find the flat of his dreams, and hope you don't have to spend too much time working. Sorry to hear about your little hamster, their lives are so short.
We all love looking at lush growth and bountiful harvest, but isn't it nice now and then just to enjoy a nice clear plot of good humus-y soil? It promises so much... Enjoy your plantings. :-D
Linda, your plot looks great! I'm so sorry to hear about your hamster. I know losing an animal/friend is hard. I lost a hamster once.
Linda, thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you will visit again. I will be visiting you again. I'm finding your blog quite interesting. Hope you weren't offended by my radical homemaker post. Those of us who are older are familiar with that life before it became a movement.
Yes, the Zee and I have been following each other's blogs for several years. She is delightful.
Your garden plot looks great!
Good luck with your daughter's exams and your son finding a flat. Sorry to hear about your hamster.
Have a nice weekend.
You have been busy.
Sorry to hear about your hamster
Jo, it's Scottish Standard Grades/Intermediate 2 that my daughter is sitting. GCSE equivalent.
Kris, the sight of good clean earth IS very satisfying!
RainGardener, I've surprised myself by shedding a few tears in advance about our hamster.
Linda, thanks for visiting. I'd never encountered the 'radical homemaker' concept before, so I was just interested, not offended.
Hilde, Jo and Lynda, glad to report that son has found a flat and the hamster is still with us, and is even perky.
Oh, so sorry about your hamster not being well. Phillip has a hamster (Theo) that lives at our house. It's a little more than one year old.
I always enjoy looking at all the detail in your photos. Very interesting. And may I say, your husband has a very handsome hand.
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