A neglected blog doesn't mean a neglected allotment. At the moment I'm TBTB (Too Busy To Blog). Work is nearly all-consuming, and the bits of life it doesn't consume take up the little that's left of the day. Today, however, on a hard-working day at the allotment, I managed to relax in a deckchair for a few minutes and enjoy looking around. Above, our neighbour's well-tended plot and a line of wallflowers beside the standpipe.
Below, gigantic flowering rhubarb.

Our potatoes are through, with all but this tallest one burnt by frost. How did it escape? Perhaps far enough on to have tougher leaves.

Looking north, which is where our weather has been coming from recently. Bright, cold days and occasional frosty nights.

I've missed what's been going on in gardens and allotments of fellow bloggers. A 3 day weekend would be good, as would another 12 hours in the day.
Sorry to hear that work is taking over your life at the moment, but it makes that little bit of free time you get so much more special. It's nice to see that you managed a little time in the deck chair to enjoy your surroundings. The wallflowers look lovely and cheery.
Lovely pics, Linda. And glad to read that you do occasionally find time to just sit and look! ;-D
My rhubarb is becoming quite huge and yesterday I had to cut out 2 emerging bloom spears. Do you let yours bloom? I think rhubarb is a much under appreciated veg. Ah well, more for me! LOL
Linda, I've missed visiting you, too. Wish I was there sitting in the deckchair with you enjoying the lovely scenery all around you. I know what you mean about time for blogging....life seems to get in the way, doesn't it?
I like the picture of the rhubarb. Just a couple days ago we planted some in the backyard. They are planted too close together, but my dear husband couldn't be convinced otherwise. He'll see how big they get. We are a rhubarb loving family.
These are some beautiful, healthy-looking garden plots.
I don't think I've ever seen the flower of a rhubarb plant before.
That's a very hardy potato.
I still haven't planted my melons, tomatoes, peppers and squash yet--it's been too cold...maybe tomorrow.
Glad you are taking time out to smell the roses (read veg)life does get in the way of gardening from time to time.I had not blogged for a while and actually called my post Too busy to blog!I smiled when I read yours, I am just trying to catch up on blogs at the moment.
That is just beautiful! I wish I could have a garden. We have tried and tried - but we have so many black walnut trees around our yard - that no vegies will grow. The trees are on our neighbors property - so we can't take them down -
But another issue is time. This is the crazy season for me as well. I feel bad I have not been to anyones blog is so very long.
It is nice to have a few moments to catch up this morning - before I am off to work again!
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