A summer of marking time and clearing the decks at the allotment. We're having the raised beds debate, and so to give us a blank canvas we've opted not to fill up ground as it's vacated by crops. We're using the opportunity to improve the soil structure by sowing swathes of green manure. Above is the first sowing, of alfalfa. Last weekend I sowed phacelia in the empty area at the top of this large bed, and white mustard in a strip beside the blackcurrants at the other side.
We've also been concentrating energies elsewhere, enjoying the company of our children, one home from university, the other going into her last year at home before university, visitors, holidays, home improvements. Sometimes when I've gone along to the plot I've done half an hour's work and then sat and taken in the way the light falls on the plot and the bliss of being outside in summer. I should feel some Calvinist guilt, but I don't. It's been good to have a pause.
Meantime the fox has been enjoying marching through the alfalfa.
Fits that behind the corrogated iron?
Now that's what I call POTENTIAL.
I strongly advocate the use of raised beds where space is limited, but I don't know whether they would be appropriate for an allotment.
We use green manures with our sandy soil but don't always get the timing right. Trying to dig in tough roots is difficult. Phacelia and clover are insect favourites.
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