Evidence of repair work to come - measurements on a pane of my Dad's greenhouse. It suffered in the heavy snow of last January, and again with December's snowfall. Because my Dad was in hospital for the first 6 months of the year and we were more concerned with him and house maintenance when we visited, the greenhouse has not been top of the priority list. Since coming home Dad has enlisted the help of a friend - a youngster in his 70s who now looks after the garden for Dad. He puts in a 6 hour day of digging, and then goes off to help build another friend's house. We're really grateful for all the work he does to help Dad.
He had just measured the panes and gaps for replacements and delivered the glass when the latest snowfall put a stop to the work. So here we are in the aftermath with an even more weather-worn greenhouse.
We're hoping that the weather doesn't turn to gales before the panes are replaced - with the missing panes there's great potential for the pressure of high winds inside the greenhouse to blow the rest of the panes out.
Hi Linda, your Dad has a nice sized greenhouse. Sure hope the bad winds stay away until you can get the pane replaced.
Happy New Year to you and your family. It's been great getting to know you.
Yes, there's no denying it - that greenhouse is in URGENT need of repair. I hope your Dad's friend has the opportunity to do the necessary before any gales come along. With all the snow we've had recently, we seem to have forgotten about gales (which would be more normal for this time of year). What does your Dad normally grow in the greenhouse? Does he have a "speciality"?
Love your greenhouse, despite the broken panes of glass... soon to be repaired. It is wonderful that your father is back home and that someone will be able to help him.
Linda, Happy New Year and many blessings for 2011 for you and your family.
I couldn't bear trying to grow a garden with your weather! Happy New Year!
That's what I call a good friend. I hope the greenhouse is good and running soon
Happy new year!
Happy New Year to all! Writing on a cold, grey New Year's Day with snow falling again.
Sadly it looks as if my Dad won't be fit enough again to garden. Mark, you asked about his greenhouse speciality - it was tomatoes. But he also raised hundreds of bedding plants from seed each year. They started off in the heated greenhouse and then went on to the cold frame. After the bedding plants went outside he moved on to fuchsias on the wooden staging.
Ho;es in a grenhouse and high winds just are a bad combination - hope you get the glass replaced before any more damage is done.
What a nice sized greenhouse, makes my 4X6 look like a minature dolls house one. Hope the gales stay away until the repair work is complete. Happy New year.
yikes. that is quite a storm. Happy New Year's Day to you! Have a great day with family and friends.
That's so scary! What a mess.
I hope the weather cooperates while you repair the damage. It's a nice-looking greenhouse and can image it's given you years of good service. Hopefully it's got many more years left to go. Happy New Year. :-D
Hi Nic, may I wish you and yours a very happy and peaceful 2011. Our greenhouse is also very much in need of repair since the gales in Nov. Your Dad is still in good form and taking an interest even though he cannot do the heavy work anymore, he can pass on his years of experience!
I really like the fist picture in this set. It's a beauty!
Have a nice evening! :-)
Oh, how I'd like a greenhouse of my own.....even one with a few broken/missing panes. I could also use a "young garden helper" like your dad's. Hope your dad is doing well.
Waiting for the January thaw..donna
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