Slow painting

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Golden day

Sunday made up for being the day that British Summer Time ended by putting on a glorious, golden afternoon. It was hard to tear ourselves away from the plot, but we had to get home to work in the garden - a big pruning exercise of the 'Albertine' rambling rose. By the time my husband was cutting up the last stems to fit them into the recycling bin it was dark. How quickly the golden light faded.


Mark Willis said...

If you had a glorious Sunday afternoon you fared better than I did. I spent most of the day watching rain streaming down the windows, and fretting about all the jobs I had planned to do but couldn't. The weather has a big influence on our hobby, doesn't it...

Jo said...

The clocks have only just gone back and here I am wishing the lighter evenings would hurry up and come back. It's so gloomy when the curtains are closed at 5pm.

joco said...

Old wood and leaves in one shot: good combination. I was looking for a sky entry. Wrong blog?

Alice Joyce said...

Will be following in Google reader now rather than Blotanical.
I've ruined my neck with the countless hours of pruning ancient ramblers and climbers, so I feel for you!
A beautiful image that allows me once again to be transported across the pond!
Will be adding SGIS to my new Blogroll page on Bay Area Tendrils. xo

Peggy said...

A golden afternoon which we enjoyed also and I was surprised too when the light faded suddenly and we had darkness by 5.00pm. I did like the dark evenings when I had an open fire, pull the curtains and sat down to read or knit.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Hello Linda,

Simple and beautiful with tranquility, in my opinion. I like photographs which make simple things looks pleasant. Thanks for visiting and kind words in my blog. I am honored to sail through your blog. As I don't have a blogger friend from Scotland, I just added you. I hope that's OK with you.


clairz said...

It seems to take forever for the sun to rise these cold mornings but once it does our days are clear and warm. The light in this photo of yours is terrific and I like the way you've made us all think about the coming dark(er) season.

L. D. said...

This is a beautiful photo. The yellow leaves and the aging blue building look great together.

donna said...

I'm quite sure that Hallmark Cards would buy this photo from you. I luv everything about it.

We set our clocks back an hour last Saturday night. The dark comes early now but I enjoy the brighter early mornings.


HappyK said...

Great photo. It would be nice framed and hung on a wall.