Last year on my Occasional Scotland blog I took part in the 12 kuvaa/photos meme, posting a photo each month from the same spot on my walk to work. The Finnish site that hosted the meme doesn't seem to be doing it again this year, but I've been bitten by the bug of seeing the year unfold in this way. (I also extended my meagre knowledge of Finnish, adding 'kuvaa' to the existing 'kiitos' - thank you; 'pankki' - bank; 'ravintola' - restaurant.)
So here's the plot after a morning and afternoon session today. Grass strimmed, green manure strimmed, six broccoli plants set out, cage and netting transferred from the blackcurrants to the broccoli.
And from the other end of the plot, the surviving lettuce plants in the foreground (more about that shortly), the remaining potato shaws next (and more about those too), and then the brassica cage. I still have kale plants at home waiting to go in there, but they'll have to wait until next weekend. At the other side of the plot is a very untidy strawberry bed, the shorn green manure, and the blackcurrant bushes.
The main impression I have looking at these photos is that we have some growing space set in the middle of a lawn. Despite our intentions, the grass has been winning this year. That broad central path irks me more every time I look at it, but our free time has been minimal and it's been one of the things we've had to postpone.
The weather today: blowy, warm, and hazy with smoke from bonfires.
The site today: much coming and going of other plotholders, with gluts of tomatoes and plums being shown off. A sense of the last fine days slipping away and everyone enjoying being outside.
If you want to see the original 12 kuvaa/photos site, it's here:
12 kuvaa/photos
Your plot is looking very tidy. I daren't show a photo of mine as it's covered in weeds.
Hi Linda.
Thanks for visiting me.
I think it´s a fine idea to take photos every month during a year.
We have sunny weather today and I hope it last long so I can enjoy that autumn is coming.
Have a nice week
Oh, Linda. You have no idea how much seeing the blue shed again has warmed my heart on this sleepless night.
Thank you for the thoughtful words left on my blog. I know all families go through hards times, but I always thought I'd be better prepared emotionally. I feel all used up. My dad is home from the nursing facility, but it's not going well at all.
This will be a wonderful series. I'm so glad you are doing it.
Hi Linda,we have not had too much coming and going on our plots or else I am just missing everyone the days I am out. Your plot looks so tidy and the brassica cage is state of the art!
I began taking pics of our plot in Jan and loaded them up on the header for the month than when the next one is done it gets moved to the side bar where I now have a month by month view of the plots.I had intended taking a photo from the sam eplace each month but got bored with that.
This is terribly shallow, but oh how I love the look of your blue shed! I have SHED envy!
You have a well kept plot. Your lay of the land is slanted a little but it is flat and the soil looks good. I am going to give up planting tomatoes and rethink what I want to grow. It was and off year for me and I didn't tend my garden like I should have.
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