The clouds were low over Edinburgh yesterday, with a corrugated effect over the allotment site that I pass on my way to work. I thought they matched the corrugated iron that for some reason seems to collect on allotments. We're desperately trying to get rid of the stuff we inherited with our plot. I have decided that this will be the year that it goes. Watch this space.
More skies from around the world are at Skywatch Friday .
That's both a dark threatening sky and a hopeful azure blue sky. The clouds almost look to be in 3D.
Glad to see a new post from you. I always enjoy my visits to Scotland.
Me, again. I just noticed the mention of John Muir on your sidebar. He was born in Scotland as you already know, but did you know that when he was 1l, his family came to the US and settled on a farm here in my state, Wisconsin.
A connection between the two of us.
Great sky effect. Good luck with clearing your space!
Looks a lot dreary there. We are gray sky and fog. Melting snow is a mess and we won't have heat to dry it out for a few weeks. We have very windy March days at the end so that will dry us out a bit. I think spring might be a faint vision away. Take care.
Very beautiful photo!!!
Hi Linda. Great photo, I like the formation of the skies.
Have a happy weekend :)
Be careful, dont throw too much of it away. One day you willneed one or two things in a creative process!
Let us follow "the clean-up".
Beautiful and evocative photo...
Enjoy your weekend!
wonderful photo!
Brr, so cold and wet. Your photo captures that feeling we all get toward the end of winter...
Hi Linda ..thanks for the comment. Love your photo. The blue is trying to push through those cloud.
A gorgeous sky photo.
What an interesting pattern the clouds made, it does look corrugated! Beautiful!
Such a beautiful sky you have there and this is a lovely photo. I wish you a great growing season with your allotment, and all the plans you have for it.
i m afraid with this sky
Just passing by... have a job to do!
Have a nice evening!
nice sky , and i've learnt the word "Corrugated ' ;)
aloha, those are very moody skies in your area..
i loved reading your prior posts on your new plantings and the dreaded waste pile.
btw, thank you for visiting my hawaii post today :)
Awesome clouds. Great shot.
Thanks for the visit
Hi Linda,
We've both been busy. I am trying to do some catching up on my blog reading. I'm glad I made it this far on your posts. I've enjoyed them all, but wanted to stop here to say how awesome that photo is of the sky above the allotment. Beautiful!
I'm sorry about the theft of your strimmer. I don't know what that is.
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