Cold February days are for dreaming of things growing. And who better to set you dreaming than Nigel Slater. "Just listen to this", he writes. "... a supper of golden pumpkin with a crisp crumb-crust flecked with parsley and garlic; a dish of emerald cabbage leaves with shards of sizzling ginger; a crumbling soft-pastried tart of leeks, cream and cheese; a bright carrot chutney on a mound of ivory-coloured rice to make your lips prickle."
Thank you, family, for my Christmas present.
Wow, he could make sour kraut sound good. I was just thinking today about starting some seeds next month, and what I want to plant. The cold and the snow gets you wanting to dream in the future.
Sounds like a really posh restaurant would describe their menu but I was able to imagine everything vividly!
Congratulations on tackling the Heap not easy in the cold at the moment but I suppose it is too cold for sowing etc so we are getting around to the jobs that were abandoned last autumn!
I've heard alot of people mention this book and give it positive reviews. I'll have to have a ganders at it.
Of course all meals at your house will be like this! I have his Kitchen Diaries and have toyed with the idea of just ordering this one as a present to me. Must go and check if my fragrantly steaming pearly ivory rice has stuck to the bottom of the pan.
(Might have to hit amazon now)
This is the second positive review of this book that I've seen on my blog buddies' pages. I have dropped heavy hints about this volume in relation to the birthday that is coming up. I really hope they are heeded, as this sounds exactly what I need to get me through the rest of the winter!
Sounds an interesting cook book.
Is it all vegetarian? (As I am)
Just as I've always thought, a good cook is also a good artist. Nigel Slater's description of this supper makes it sound like a painting.
That sounds good ... if also lots of work to cook. But the winter like you say is a good time for that, plus it warms the house!
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