Posting here has been in inverse proportion to the amount of work going on. I imagine that's common to all garden bloggers at this time of year. Things are going pretty well. The plot is looking spick and span. Or, as the Chalet School gels would say, 'trim and trig'. Lots of work and the camera tends to get forgotten.
But here's my problem - I'm stuck for space. These are the new raspberry canes, the Canadian Tulameen. They're residing in a pot on the patio while I dither about where to put them. It's just as well that allotment sites are home to many an eccentric, because lately I've been pacing about the plot, stopping and pondering, walking along a bit, pondering again, trying to see where I can put these canes. The problem is that they will occupy a space for a good few years. I can't put them in empty ground where the broccoli was, just on the west side of the strawberries, because they'll shade the ripening berries for most of the afternoon. I can't put them near the blackcurrants because that's where I'm putting a block of broccoli for next year, with the first row of the earliest variety already in. Everywhere else is full.
So...I'm going to take a big chance, dig out soil from the virus-stricken row, put in fresh, and whack in the new canes.
I quite enjoy the mental imagee of you pacing about the plot trying to determine the best spot for your raspberry canes. Here's to many raspberry pies in the future. Always happy to see a new post from you.
Seems like the same questions occupy gardener's minds all over the world. Space, conditions, soil etc.
I could quite recognize myself in this writing of yours. And then - we have loads of space at the cottage but that is no consolation. More space more gardens. Different areas, that is. I think they are called garden rooms these days. No empty spaces to plan.
Good luck with it! :)
Good luck with those raspberries!
Space, or lack of it, seems to be a common concern. I have exactly the same problems. I have been thinking of how I could have tier gardening! :-) Val
Linda, I had to chuckle as I read about you puzzling over your garden. I do the same thing sometimes and I've often had the fleeting concern that my neighbors would doubt my mental health if they would see me standing, starting, stopping and thinking, etc. Especially when I end up walking away without doing anything! I'm glad to know I am not the only one with such an affliction! :)
Oh I know this feeling well. I'm almost afraid to buy anything new because I won't know where to put it. Val
I understand completely how hard it is to post at this time of year! Hopefully you resolve this dilemma and give us recipes! ;-)
We know what you mean about finding space. Each of us moan if the other brings home a new find. Buckets are our answer.
I tried to grow morning glory last year. Loads of foliage but no flowers. Don't know what I did wrong.
Hi Linda! I am behind, too! I'm glad I got caught up on your blogs to read about your pacing your garden. So, are you calling yourself an eccentric, too? LOL I'd love to see all of you working your plots, and doing some pacing.
I have 3 vines I've purchased for across the street, waiting to be planted, but I found out 1 is poisonous, and so I don't think I should plant it there. One is a trumpet vine that I got on a sale table, and am thinking I shouldn't have gotten it, because it sends up runners all over. Dilemmas, dilemmas! I hope your raspberries grow well.
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