This is from a week ago now, when we put in a strenuous afternoon of the sort you're not meant to do. The once a week blitz that's so frowned upon by some sectors of the allotment fraternity, and was the impetus for starting this blog. Last weekend an afternoon was all we had, and we worked flat out. The children (strong, healthy teenagers) pleaded exam revision, but there's going to be no escape for them once the exams are over. So it was the aging parents' work party.
Achievements: two rows of British Queen potatoes planted, giving us five rows of tatties so far. I still have Desiree potatoes chitting, but I may not have room to fit them in. Digging over a weedy patch where the leeks had been. Removing the net from the broccoli and kale to let the bees in to the flowers. Weeding around broccoli and kale. Watering raspberries with ericaceous feed. Watering salad sowings. Pushing in onion sets that had been pulled out by birds. Clearing weeds from around the blackcurrant bushes. Picking rhubarb. And strenuous digging by DH to start to reclaim more ground.
This is the result of that digging:

It doesn't look much, but it was hard work, and it will give us another row of something.
The salads were just beginning to come through, although the corn salad wasn't showing yet. I have my doubts about it - again. Am I sowing too late when it's too warm? It certainly doesn't feel overly warm.

The ground was very dry, hence my watering. It must have worked as a rain dance, for during the week we've had a good deal of rain. A day of heavy drenching at first, and then days of showers and sun. People in my office thought I was mad to be delighted at the sight of rain.
The soil round about the blackcurrants is such a joy. It gets the brunt of the leaf fall from the sycamore trees every autumn, and all that leaf mould year after year makes for rich, crumbly soil.

thank you for stopping by my blog. The sky went grey, well blogger was down for me a while and I had to take away this weeks sky to get it started again, sorry.
I am so happy you wrote a line anyway, thank you.
Yes you are hard working.
And I Liked "The allotment fairies have been picnicking inside this living willow bower".
I have 3 fairies in my garden from time to time.
/Maria Berg, MB
Hi Lindab,are you using the lazy bed way of digging and putting in potatoes?Its a great way of getting in spuds on new ground. There is a link to a Tv programme on my sidebar Richard Corrigans City farm project have a look its in the top programme in the list or hubby might be interested in looking at it if it saves on digging!
I feel your pain! I used to be able to dig all day but now pay for it big time. Your garden is a gem - good job!
Got all my spuds in today, too (eight five foot rows), so my back is in sympathy with that of your DH! Will be worth it in a few months' time...
Yes mam, when exams are over, in the garden they go!! That is a lot of work, any gardener will know that!!
Thanks for the sympathy - I'll pass it on.! Peggy, I'll have a look at that link you mention. I've been keen to try the no-dig method of planting potatoes since reading about it on your blog.
Things are looking good. With that rain, I bet your lettuce has grown larger. Do you eat your thinnings?
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