The standpipes at our site still haven't been turned on yet - or at least they hadn't last weekend. With shallots to water in during a dry spell that was a problem. Luckily a neighbour who has his plot behind ours came to our rescue, and invited us to use water from his rain butt - featured above in all its unshowy, practical glory. It seems like tempting fate after last summer's deluge to say that this is top of my wish list, but I think we have to get moving on this soon.
Today was to have been my one chance this week to get along to the plot for a digging and hoeing session. I'm on taxi and harp-carrying duty for my daughter, who is taking part in the Edinburgh International Harp Festival. However, yesterday I hit my head, hard, on a table while helping my daughter to pack her harp, and I spent much of the afternoon in Accident and Emergency. I missed the concert by the Brandywine Harp Orchestra from Delaware, USA. A&E was populated by spring Sunday walking wounded. Many footballing and gardening injuries. I don't know if I was the only person there wounded by a table. And today I'm meant to be resting, which I must admit I'm finding it hard to do with a dry, calm spring day calling outside.
Sorry to read that you have an accident. I hope that you´ll recover soon.
And that you missed your daughters appearance.
Thanks for the visit on my blog.
Take care.
Oh my goodness! You take it easy and be sure to heal up completely before you start bending and digging around outside. There will be many spring days ahead. Take care.
I hope your getting better today ?We sowed our parsley 3 days ago ...
Oh my goodness. So sorry to hear of your injury and your missed concert. I hope you are healing and will soon be up and about.
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