Or if not this pigeon, at least one of its relatives feasted on my kale. You would think the pigeon equivalent of butter wouldn't melt in its mouth, tho. "Who, me?" it seems to be saying. I caught this one peering in through our kitchen window - presumably to see if any tasty greens were available. Still, they are rather beautiful birds.

wHen I was a lot younger I used to go shooting and wood pigeon were the target ...........not something I would do now even if I could but it was 40 years ago so fforgive me . something that stuck with me for all those years was a comment made and here it is "go over there and make a noise like a noise like a brussel sprout" still makes me smile as I think back XXX Don
They are pretty birds, even if frustrating at times.
Don, don't worry, having grown up in the country I'm not too squeamish. During WW2 my father's family supplemented their diet with a lot of 'wild' meat, and he remembers his mother making crow pie, which apparently was very tasty.
Darla, I see you have pigeons on your blog just now too!
Hi Linda,
The fire hydrants must be on your other blog. You took some great pics of that pigeon. It is a good looking bird.
This blog is one I showed the ladies last night. They were amazed that they were looking at a garden in Scotland.
Pigeon, miam, miam :-)I cooked it for my English relatives last time (just in the oven with bacon around and herbs). One of them liked it, the other one didn't try ... but I not sure to be able to kill any bird for the moment.
Pigeons are the bane of every gardeners life no matter where you live!
I like pigeons, have not tasted one in quite a while, maybe thats the answer.
I love this shot - as you say, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth
yum... Kale stuffed pigeon pie?
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