While my family did various things on and in water:

The heather was just coming into bloom.

It seems to be a good year for cranberries and blaeberries.

I couldn't resist a 'bluebells of Scotland' shot:

And I've always loved the bog cotton. When we used to go to the north west of Scotland every year on holiday, I would collect bundles of the stuff, intending to 'do' something with it when I got home. I'm not sure what - spin it???? But at the age of 7 or 8 it felt very purposeful and self-sufficient.

Hi Linda, thanks for visiting my blog. It's a small world after all!
Scotland is just a bit too far for me to go to tend an allotment. You actually have one! I'll have to come back later to read.
Everything is very green in Kansas this year, but it's about 20F warmer than Scotland in the summer and 20F colder in the winter. I can still hardly believe how fast things grow here. So far I've not found any potatoes as good though.
I love looking through blogs from the beginning.Your bit about bog cotton reminded me that in Orkney a bride to be would collect it and knit a pair of socks for her intended to wear on their wedding day. Must have been hard work spinning and knitting it as there's not a lot of give in it.
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