Unlike last week when all was dark and sodden, this Sunday was blue skies, sunshine and glowing colours. I'd resolved not to do any work at the allotment, because I'd been working all morning in the garden. With a ferocious pace at work just now I knew I needed a few hours on Sunday afternoon just to read, rather than to be in perpetual motion all weekend.
But it was impossible not to do just a little bit of tidying up. I thought the dill should come out, and then I could tackle the field beans, and before I knew it I'd been working for an hour. Just before I pulled out the dill I took this last shot of its autumn glory. After that I broke off the stems of the field beans and left the roots in the soil. Next week, if it's fair, I'll dig over that part of the plot and let the roots rot down and keep their nitrogen in the soil.
At home I finally managed to plant out the wallflowers I'd been bringing on from tiny plug plants. In the spring they'll be a fragrant lemon and orange splash of colour alongside scarlet and yellow tulips. The copper tape round the pots had successfully repelled snails and slugs, so I'll definitely use that again. I just love that extra touch of the sharp points along the bottom edge!

But oh dear, look at what I found poking through the soil.

Crocuses. In November, in Scotland. Wrong.
Fantastic, Crocus i november.
I think it has been to warm.We have 4+C here were I live. No snow yet.I hope we get some soon.
Thanks for your visit.
Have a nice week
Oh dear, begone, dear crocuses. Go back where you came from. Not good.
Linda, that copper tape is both attractive and wicked looking. I can't believe you have crocuses making an appearance. Spring in November! Seeing your blue shed always makes me smile. Dill....luv the smell of dill.
Every autumn I come across crocus and daffodil and hyacinth spears poking up. I used to worry, thinking it's too early and just not right. But the greenery make it through every winter and in Spring they bloom. I don't worry anymore - they all seem to know what they're about.
Actually these early spears have saved me on several occasions from inadvertently digging into them in Fall when looking for a home for a new perennial or other bulbs. LOL
It's amazing how the seasons seem to be merging into one. I fear the wildlife as well as plants don't know whether they should be hibernating or not either. We had a lovely day on Sunday too. It made a change from the drizzle we were getting used to, but it's turned quite cold again today.
I've just been reading through your blog. I guess I just didn't realize how an allotment worked. It is cool I bet it can be fun having neighbors out working when you are and to share tips with.
I have loads of bulb shoot poking up. It's not right. Hard frosts ones day and then crocuses the next! I have a feeling this happened last year mind you.
Thanks for visiting. I so agree with you about this years CL. It was a major major disappointment. Just so full of stuff to buy and pet stockists - nothing really about the country. Where were the gardening pages - and I dont mean that perfect walk in the snow feature Grr Better stop as I feel a rant coming on.
I wonder if you could shelter the crocus under a light blanket of leaves? It is so distressing to see the natural world sending distress signals. I notice the signals in my backyard; the miracle of the Internet is that I can also see them in yours. A world of hurt.
But the blue shed and green dill...exquisite.
When I was a kid on the farm, our dill would reseed itself along the side of the garden. Dad would plow it under each fall with the farm tractor and plow and it always managed to reseed and survive. Mom made pickles with it. Nice photos, you have been busy in all the gardens.
The weather confusion this time of year is frightening. We had one of those summery November days that I find very disturbing.
Hi Linda,
I've heard of other plants being confused about the season, too. Although I noticed in your comments that this happens sometimes and is OK. I have grape hyacinths that come up in the fall, too.
I love your dill photo, and that copper collar is cool!
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